Research Funding
Research funding at Stiftung Charité is largely a continuation of the recent Private Excellence Initiative Johanna Quandt. This was a standalone funding initiative limited to the years 2013 to 2022 (with some funding continuing to run until 2024). The most successful programs from this will be consolidated and further developed – sometimes under new names. The Einstein BIH Visiting Fellows and Visiting Professors will be merged into the new Visiting Fellows program. The research funding programs promote recruitment and internationalism on the one hand, and support researchers already involved in life sciences in Berlin on the other.
Funding Recipients
Funding program
Project title
First year of funding
- Ahmed,RakadDeutschlandstipendien (Priv. Exzellenzinitiative)2022
- Ahrend,Christopher SimonDeutschlandstipendien (Priv. Exzellenzinitiative)2022
- Akdemir,Defne SelenDeutschlandstipendien (Priv. Exzellenzinitiative)2022
- Aleskerova,AidaDeutschlandstipendien (Priv. Exzellenzinitiative)2022
- Alesutan,IoanaBIH Paper of the Month (Priv. Exzellenzinitiative)SGK1 induces vascular smooth muscle cell calcification through NF-KB signaling2018
- Anker,StefanRecruiting Grants (Priv. Exzellenzinitiative)Professur für (Gewebe)Homöostaseforschung mit Schwerpunkt kardiovaskuläres System und Metabolismus2017
- Arnhold,ViktorBIH Paper of the Month (Priv. Exzellenzinitiative)Reactivating TP53 signaling by the novel MDM2 inhibitor DS-3032b as a therapeutic option for high-risk neuroblastoma (with: Patrick Hundsdörfer)2018
- Ayata,CenkVisiting FellowsThe Stroke Preclinical Intervention Trial (SPRINT) Platform: A Collaborative Movement to Advance Stroke Therapeutics (with: Matthias Endres)2024
- Bachmann,UlrikeClinical FellowsDigital unterstützte Kompetenzentwicklung für die Arbeit einer universitären Notaufnahme2024
- Balicer,RanVisiting FellowsCombining massive population-wide clinical datasets with prospective deep phenotyping to unravel predictors and mechanisms of multimorbidity (with: Leif Erik Sander)2023
- Bamberg,ChristianBIH Clinical Fellows (Priv. Exzellenzinitiative)Etablierung von fetoskopischen Lasereingriffen beim schweren Feto-fetalen Transfusionssyndrom (FFTS) an der Charité Geburtsmedizin2014
- Bandrowski,AnitaBIH Visiting Professors (Priv. Exzellenzinitiative)Automated tool screening of manuscripts for rigor and reproducibility criteria: a collaborative approach (with: Ulrich Dirnagl)2021
- Baum,ChristopherNetworking Events (Priv. Exzellenzinitiative)BIH Strategy Retreat2021
- Becher,HeikoBIH Visiting Professors (Priv. Exzellenzinitiative)eSTablishing clinical EPidemiology as a key competence for fUture research Projects (STEP UP) (with: Geraldine Rauch)2018
- Bélard,SabineBIH Charité Clinician Scientists (Priv. Exzellenzinitiative)Granuloma formation, biomakers and control of tuberculosis disease in children2014
- Bellmann-Strobl,JudithClinical FellowsKnowledge Hub im Post COVID-Netzwerk der Charité2023
- Berggren,Per-PlofBIH Visiting Professors (Priv. Exzellenzinitiative)Intraocular Islet/Islet-Organoid Transplantation for monitoring diabetes progression and treatment (with: Joachim Spranger)2020
- Beule,DieterBIH Paper of the Month (Priv. Exzellenzinitiative)VarFish: comprehensive DNA variant analysis for diagnostics and research2020
- Bickhardt,TillDeutschlandstipendien (Priv. Exzellenzinitiative)2022
- Blüthgen,NilsBIH Paper of the Month (Priv. Exzellenzinitiative)An immediate-late gene expression module decodes ERK signal duration2017
- Bobbert,PeterClinical Scientist Pilotprogramm (Priv. Exzellenzinitiative)Die Bedeutung der Adipozytokine für das Krankheitsbild der nicht ischämischen Kardiomyopathie2013
- Bodmer,RolfEinstein BIH Visiting Fellows (Priv. Exzellenzinitiative)Congenital Heart Disease: expanding the developmental genetic network by utilizing the Drosophila heart to model patient genomic aberrations (with: Silke Rickert-Sperling)2015
- Böhm,DorotheaDeutschlandstipendien (Priv. Exzellenzinitiative)2022
- Boschmann,MichaelBIH Paper of the Month (Priv. Exzellenzinitiative)Effects of dietary protein-load and alkaline supplementation on acid–base balance and glucose metabolism in healthy elderly2021
- Böttinger,ErwinScience Match - Future Medicine (Priv. Exzellenzinitiative)Science Match - Future Medicine2016
- Buttgereit,FrankBIH Clinical Fellows (Priv. Exzellenzinitiative)Optimierung von Diagnostik und Therapie bei Patienten mit Glucocorticoid-induzierter Osteoporose2017
- Caffier,Philipp P.Clinical FellowsOptimierung der phonochirurgischen Stimmfeminisierung bei Patientinnen mit Transidentität: Verbesserung von (Stimm-) Transition, Passing und Lebensqualität2024
- Chassol,LuiseDeutschlandstipendien (Priv. Exzellenzinitiative)2022
- Checa Esteban,SaraBIH Paper of the Month (Priv. Exzellenzinitiative)A 3D in Silico Multi-Tissue Evolution Model2022
- Chen,LuBIH Visiting Professors (Priv. Exzellenzinitiative)How do plastic changes at synapses in a circuit enable learning, encode memory, and drive behavior? (with: Christian Rosenmund)2017
- Chodera,JohnEinstein BIH Visiting Fellows (Priv. Exzellenzinitiative)Computational polypharmacology: A new paradigm for selectively promiscuous kinase inhibitors (with: Wolfgang Kübler)2018
- Collettini,FedericoBIH Charité Clinician Scientists (Priv. Exzellenzinitiative)Beyond the margin of local ablation: Perifocal immune response and tumor progression after Iamge-guided ablative tumor therapies in a VX2 liver tumor model2014
- Connolly,FlorianNeurosonologie - Vertiefung und Erweiterung der Ultraschalldiagnostik bei neurologischen Erkrankungen2017
- Conrad,ChristianBIH Paper of the Month (Priv. Exzellenzinitiative)Pheno-seq - linking visual features and gene expression in 3D cell culture systems2019
- Cossu,GiulioBIH Visiting Professors (Priv. Exzellenzinitiative)Translation of muscle stem cells from research into a new ATMP product for clinical use (with: Simone Spuler)2019
- Czabanka,MarcusClinical Scientist Pilotprogramm (Priv. Exzellenzinitiative)Bedeutung des EphrinB2/EphB4 Systems für vaskuläre Resistenzmechanismen während antiangiogener Therapie2013
- Czabanka,MarcusBIH Clinical Fellows (Priv. Exzellenzinitiative)Einfluss der kortikalen Mikrozirkulation auf die zerebrale Revaskularisierung bei zerebrovaskulärer hämodynamischer Insuffizienz2016
- Damm,PhilippBIH Paper of the Month (Priv. Exzellenzinitiative)In vivo loading on the hip joint in patients with total hip replacement performing gymnastics and aerobics exercises2022
- de la Rosa,KathrinBIH Johanna Quandt Professors (Priv. Exzellenzinitiative)BIH Johanna Quandt Professor of Immune Mechanisms in Translation2020
- de la Rosa,KathrinBIH Paper of the Month (Priv. Exzellenzinitiative)Harmonization and standardization of data for a pan-European cohort on SARS- CoV-2 pandemic2022
- Deanfield,JohnEinstein BIH Visiting Fellows (Priv. Exzellenzinitiative)Development and validation of a novel disease modelling approach for personalised prevention and management of patients with an acute coronary syndrome – towards development of a digital prototype (with: Ulf Landmesser)2018
- Der,ChanningEinstein BIH Visiting Fellows (Priv. Exzellenzinitiative)Targeting RAS and the ERK-MYC effector pathway for cancer treatment (with: Ulrich Keilholz)2018
- Diecke,SebastianBIH Paper of the Month (Priv. Exzellenzinitiative)Activation of PDGF pathway links LMNA mutation to dilated cardiomyopathy2019
- Diefenbach,AndreasBIH Paper of the Month (Priv. Exzellenzinitiative)Interleukin-22 protects intestinal stem cells against genotoxic stress2019
- Diekhoff,TorstenBIH Clinical Fellows (Priv. Exzellenzinitiative)Entwicklung und Implementierung eines interdisziplinären Boardes für die Beratung bei Patienten mit Verdacht auf eine entzündliche Wirbelsäulenerkrankung2021
- Dragun,DuskaClinical Scientist Pilotprogramm (Priv. Exzellenzinitiative)Strukturförderung2013
- Dragun,DuskaBIH Charité Clinician Scientists (Priv. Exzellenzinitiative)Decellularization and recellularization of parenchymal organs2014
- Du,JuanBIH Short-Term Fellows (Priv. Exzellenzinitiative)Ultrasound contrast agents for cortical vascular porosity assessment (with: Kay Raum)2016
- Dunst,LaraDeutschlandstipendien (Priv. Exzellenzinitiative)2022
- Eichmann,AnneRecruiting Grants (Priv. Exzellenzinitiative)Professur für Neurovaskuläre Interaktionen (with: Martin Lohse)2018
- Eils,RolandBIH Paper of the Month (Priv. Exzellenzinitiative)COVID-19 severity correlates with airway epithelium-immune cell interactions identified by singlecell analysis2020
- Eils,RolandBIH Paper of the Month (Priv. Exzellenzinitiative)Harmonization and standardization of data for a pan-European cohort on SARS- CoV-2 pandemic2022
- Endres,MatthiasBIH Paper of the Month (Priv. Exzellenzinitiative)A novel preventive therapy for paclitaxel-induced cognitive deficits: preclinical evidence from C57BL/6 mice2017
- Failing,Fabian MichelHumboldt Research Fellowships at BIH (Priv. Exzellenzinitiative)Where the brain learns to attend: visual statistical learning in the hippocampus (with: Philipp Sterzer)2019
- Fendler,AnnikaBIH Paper of the Month (Priv. Exzellenzinitiative)Inhibiting WNT and NOTCH in renal cancer stem cells and the implications for human patients2020
- Fiebig,NikeDeutschlandstipendien (Priv. Exzellenzinitiative)2022
- Fischer,AndreasClinical Scientist Pilotprogramm (Priv. Exzellenzinitiative)Untersuchungen zur funktionellen Rolle der Proteinkinase PKN1 bei der Regulation der intestinalen Barrierefunktion2013
- Flörcken,AnneBIH Clinical Fellows (Priv. Exzellenzinitiative)Molekulare und immunologische Charakterisierung von Weichteil-Sarkomen2020
- Friedman,NirBIH Visiting Professors (Priv. Exzellenzinitiative)Chromatin immunoprecipitation and sequencing of cell‐free nucleosomes (cfChIP‐seq) to identify biomarkers in kidney disease and cancer (with: Nikolaus Rajewsky)2021
- Friedrich,MarcusBIH Visiting Professors (Priv. Exzellenzinitiative)Establishment of the Charité as a national leader for machine-learning sepsis innovation and comprehensive quality data collection and management (with: Claudia Spies)2021
- Gabrysch,SabineRecruiting Grants (Priv. Exzellenzinitiative)Professur für Klimawandel und Gesundheit2019
- Gassen,NilsBIH Visiting Professors (Priv. Exzellenzinitiative)Bats versus humans: Stress response as target for antiviral and anti-inflammatory drugs (STEROID) (with: Christian Drosten)2022
- Genath,KarinDeutschlandstipendien (Priv. Exzellenzinitiative)2022
- Gerhardt,HolgerCareer Services (Priv. Exzellenzinitiative)Berufungsverfahren, Professur für Experimentelle Herz-Kreislauferkrankungen (with: Walter Rosenthal)2013
- Gerhardt,HolgerBIH Paper of the Month (Priv. Exzellenzinitiative)Primary cilia sensitize endothelial cells to BMP and prevent excessive vascular regression2018
- Gerhardt,HolgerNetworking EventsNew Interdisciplinary Concepts for Translational Research2024
- Golic,MichaelaBIH Paper of the Month (Priv. Exzellenzinitiative)Diabetes Mellitus in Pregnancy Leads to Growth Restriction and Epigenetic Modification of the Srebf2 Gene in Rat Fetuses2018
- Gottschalk,AnnikaDeutschlandstipendien (Priv. Exzellenzinitiative)2022
- Gutmann,David H.Einstein BIH Visiting Fellows (Priv. Exzellenzinitiative)Microglia as cellular integrators of brain disease risk (with: Helmut Kettenmann)2019
- Gutsche,LaraDeutschlandstipendien (Priv. Exzellenzinitiative)2022
- Haas,SimonBIH Paper of the Month (Priv. Exzellenzinitiative)Antigen presentation safeguards the integrity of the hematopoietic stem cell pool2022
- Haase,NadineBIH Paper of the Month (Priv. Exzellenzinitiative)Statins Reverse Postpartum Cardiovascular Dysfunction in a Rat Model of Preeclampsia2020
- Harms,ChristophBIH Paper of the Month (Priv. Exzellenzinitiative)Unique properties of PTEN-L contribute to neuroprotection in response to ischemic-like stress2019
- Häseli,SteffenDeutschlandstipendien (Priv. Exzellenzinitiative)2022
- Hasper,DietrichBIH Clinical Fellows (Priv. Exzellenzinitiative)Renale Elastographie bei Patienten mit akutem Nierenversagen2017
- Havkin,RobertDeutschlandstipendien (Priv. Exzellenzinitiative)2022
- Hecht,NilsBIH Clinical Fellows (Priv. Exzellenzinitiative)Early mechanistic Biomarkers for NeuroIntensive Care2020
- Hedtrich,SarahBIH Johanna Quandt Professors (Priv. Exzellenzinitiative)BIH Johanna Quandt Professor of Organ Models 2.0 – Bridging Bench and Bedside2020
- Heeder,FriederikeDeutschlandstipendien (Priv. Exzellenzinitiative)2022
- Henssen,Anton GeorgeBIH Paper of the Month (Priv. Exzellenzinitiative)Therapeutic targeting of PGBD5-induced DNA repair dependency in pediatric solid tumors2018
- Henssen,Anton GeorgeBIH Paper of the Month (Priv. Exzellenzinitiative)Extrachromosomal Circular DANN Drives Oncogenic Genome Remodeling in Neuroblastoma2020
- Heppner,FrankBIH Paper of the Month (Priv. Exzellenzinitiative)Olfactory transmucosal SARSCoV-2 invasion as a port of central nervous system entry in individuals with COVID-192021
- Hernáiz Driever,PabloBIH Clinical Fellows (Priv. Exzellenzinitiative)Neuronale Schadensmechanismen in der pädiatrischen Onkologie, Hämatologie und Stammzelltransplantation2018
- Hewing,BerndBIH Charité Clinician Scientists (Priv. Exzellenzinitiative)iRhom2 in atherosclerosis2014
- Hildebrand,PeterBIH Visiting Professors (Priv. Exzellenzinitiative)Viewing and sharing time resolved motions of G protein coupled receptors on the web (with: Axel Radlach Pries)2018
- Hinterseher,IreneBIH Clinical Fellows (Priv. Exzellenzinitiative)Etablierung einer adjuvanten Therapie der peripheren arteriellen Verschlusskrankheit2020
- Hoffmann,UdoBIH Visiting Professors (Priv. Exzellenzinitiative)The Power of Medical Imaging – Towards Improved Clinical Outcomes through Data Sharing of Randomized Imaging Trials (with: Bernd Hamm)2019
- Holzhauer,SusanneClinical FellowsVIKI_Aufbau eines virtuellen kinderhämostaseologischen Zentrums2024
- Hübner,NorbertBIH Paper of the Month (Priv. Exzellenzinitiative)The Translational Landscape of the Human Heart2019
- Irimia,ManuelVisiting FellowsAlternative splicing in health and disease at single cell resolution (with: Nikolaus Rajewsky)2023
- Jahn,LisaDeutschlandstipendien (Priv. Exzellenzinitiative)2022
- Jakob,PhilippDevelopment of a microRNA-targeted therapy to regenerate the heart in patients with myocardial infarction: Functional high-throughput screening in human iPSC-derived cardiomyocytes using a microRNA library2014
- Jalan,RajivVisiting FellowsImproving outcomes for patients with chronic and acute-on-chronic liver failure (with: Frank Tacke)2023
- Jenne,ChristianDeutschlandstipendien (Priv. Exzellenzinitiative)2022
- Jumpertz-von Schwartzenberg,ReinerBIH Charité Clinician Scientists (Priv. Exzellenzinitiative)Plasticity of the human gut microbiota during weight loss and ist consequences in humanized gnotobiotic mice2014
- Kaindl,Angela M.BIH Paper of the Month (Priv. Exzellenzinitiative)CDK5RAP2 Is Required to Maintain the Germ Cell Pool during Embryonic Development2017
- Kammertöns,ThomasBIH Paper of the Month (Priv. Exzellenzinitiative)Tumour ischaemia by interferon-γ resembles physiological blood vessel regression (with: Thomas Blankenstein)2017
- Kase,JuliaClinical Scientist Pilotprogramm (Priv. Exzellenzinitiative)Erforschung von Chemoresistenzmechanismen aggressiver Lymphome am Eμ-myc transgenen Mausmodell2013
- Keller,UlrichRecruiting Grants (Priv. Exzellenzinitiative)Professur für Hämatologie und Onkologie mit Schwerpunkt Lymphome/Multiples Myelom2018
- Kern,MariaDeutschlandstipendien (Priv. Exzellenzinitiative)2022
- Kickbusch,IlonaBIH Public Health (Priv. Exzellenzinitiative)Public Health - Global Health / Workshop (with: Ernst Rietschel)2014
- Kiem,Hans-PeterBIH Visiting Professors (Priv. Exzellenzinitiative)Berlin Ecosystem für Cell & Gene Therapy - Expanding Cell and Gene Therapy Efforts with Academic Institutions and Industry (mit: Christopher Baum)2022
- Knabe-Ducheyne,ChristineBIH Visiting Professors (Priv. Exzellenzinitiative)Vascularized tissue engineered 3D-printed ceramic bone grafts for reconstruction of mandibular segmental defects (with: Max Heiland)2020
- Koche,RichardVisiting FellowsThe causes and consequences of extrachromosomal DNA (ecDNA) reintegration in cancer (with: Anton Henssen)2024
- Kowski,AlexanderTiefe Hirnstimulation bei Epilepsie – ein neuer Behandlungsansatz2013
- Krause,PatriciaClinical FellowsEtablierung eines multimodalen Therapiekonzeptes zur Behandlung funktioneller Bewegungsstörungen im teilstationären Setting2024
- Kroemer,Heyo K.Networking Events (Priv. Exzellenzinitiative)Charité Symposium for Breakthroughs in Life Sciences auf dem Falling Walls Science Summit2022
- Kroemer,Heyo K.Networking EventsCharité Executive Table (with: Christopher Baum)2023
- Kübler,KirstenBIH Johanna Quandt Professors (Priv. Exzellenzinitiative)BIH Johanna Quandt Professor of PreCancer – From Biology to Prevention2020
- Kunjalli Lokes,NikhilHumboldt Research Fellowships at BIH (Priv. Exzellenzinitiative)Posttranscriptional control of circadian rhythms: the role of polyadenylation site selection (with: Achim Kramer)2017
- Künkele,AnnetteBIH Paper of the Month (Priv. Exzellenzinitiative)CD171- and GD2-specific CAR-T cells potently target retinoblastoma cells in preclinical in vitro testing2020
- Kupschick,AnneDeutschlandstipendien (Priv. Exzellenzinitiative)2022
- Kurtz,AndreasBIH Paper of the Month (Priv. Exzellenzinitiative)Adult Tissue Extracellular Matrix Determines Tissue Specification of Human iPSC-Derived Embryonic2020
- Kutay,UlrikeVisiting FellowsNew insights into the structure, biogenesis, and surveillance of ribosomes (with: Christian Spahn)2024
- Küthe,Anna-LenaDeutschlandstipendien (Priv. Exzellenzinitiative)2022
- Lampert,PhilippDeutschlandstipendien (Priv. Exzellenzinitiative)2022
- Landmesser,UlfBIH Paper of the Month (Priv. Exzellenzinitiative)Gut Microbiota-Dependent Trimethylamine N-Oxide Predicts Risk of Cardiovascular Events in Patients With Stroke and Is Related to Proinflammatory Monocytes2018
- Langenberg,ClaudiaBIH Paper of the Month (Priv. Exzellenzinitiative)Plasma metabolites to profile pathways in noncommunicable disease multimorbidity2021
- Langenberg,ClaudiaBIH Paper of the Month (Priv. Exzellenzinitiative)Mapping the proteo-genomic convergence of human diseases2022
- Langenberg,ClaudiaBIH Paper of the Month (Priv. Exzellenzinitiative)Harmonization and standardization of data for a pan-European cohort on SARS- CoV-2 pandemic2022
- Lau,SusanneBIH Clinical Fellows (Priv. Exzellenzinitiative)Auswertung der Daten aus der PAPS Studie zum Stuhl-Mikrobiom im Schulalter und der Bedeutung für die Entstehung der allergischen Atemwegserkrankung2019
- Lehmann,KaiBIH Clinical Fellows (Priv. Exzellenzinitiative)Minimal-invasive und robotik-assistierte Chirurgie des primären und metastasierten kolorektalen Karzinoms2022
- Lehmann,IrinaBIH Paper of the Month (Priv. Exzellenzinitiative)Pre-activated antiviral innate immunity in the upper airways controls early SARSCoV-2 infection in children2022
- Leistner,David M.BIH Clinical Fellows (Priv. Exzellenzinitiative)Characterization of non-obstructive coronary artery disease: A gender-specific approach to ischemic heart disease2018
- Lien,Cheng-ChangHumboldt Research Fellowships at BIH (Priv. Exzellenzinitiative)Dissecting Inhibitory Circuit Mechanisms in Controlling Excitability of Hippocampal Dentate Gyrus with Opto- and Pharmcogenetic Tools (with: Imre Vida)2015
- Liu,Yvonne YeDeutschlandstipendien (Priv. Exzellenzinitiative)2022
- Lohkamp,Laura-NannaBIH Charité Clinician Scientists (Priv. Exzellenzinitiative)Impaired inflammatory resolution after spinal cord injury - the role and relevance of IL-6, IL_17 and IL-232014
- Loyal,LucieBIH Paper of the Month (Priv. Exzellenzinitiative)SLAMF7 and IL-6R define distinct cytotoxic versus helper memory CD8 + T cells2021
- Luipold,StefanieDeutschlandstipendien (Priv. Exzellenzinitiative)2022
- Machner,MareenNetworking EventsZNA meets Rettungsdienstsymposium2024
- Mai,KnutBIH Paper of the Month (Priv. Exzellenzinitiative)An Integrated Understanding of the Molecular Mechanisms of How Adipose Tissue Metabolism Affects Long-term Body Weight Maintenance2019
- Maier-Wenzel ,Anna-KarinaClinical Scientist Pilotprogramm (Priv. Exzellenzinitiative)Verbesserung der Langzeitergebnisse nach perforierender und lamellärer Keratoplastik2013
- Maier-Wenzel,Anna-KarinaBIH Clinical Fellows (Priv. Exzellenzinitiative)Etablierung und Standardisierung der kornealen konfokalen Mikroskopie zur Diagnostik bei small-fiber Neuropathien und neurotropher Keratopathie2021
- Mall,MarcusBIH Paper of the Month (Priv. Exzellenzinitiative)Elexacaftor-Tezacaftor-Ivacaftor for Cystic Fibrosis with a Single Phe508del Allele2019
- Maskarinec,GertraudBIH Visiting Professors (Priv. Exzellenzinitiative)Diet Quality, Body Fat Distribution, and Type 2 Diabetes - Translating Knowledge from Population Based Studies into Prevention Strategies (with: Tobias Pischon)2021
- Mayer,MiriamDeutschlandstipendien (Priv. Exzellenzinitiative)2022
- Mertins,PhilippBIH Paper of the Month (Priv. Exzellenzinitiative)Proteomic profiling reveals CDK6 upregulation as a targetable resistance mechanism for lenalidomide in multiple2022
- Meyer,AlexanderBIH Paper of the Month (Priv. Exzellenzinitiative)Machine learning for real-time prediction of complications in critical care: a retrospective study2019
- Meyerling,JohannaDeutschlandstipendien (Priv. Exzellenzinitiative)2022
- Miera,OliverBIH Clinical Fellows (Priv. Exzellenzinitiative)Antithrombotische Therapie von Kindern am Herzunterstützungssystem - eine multizentrische prospektive Studie2017
- Monyer,HannahBIH Visiting Professors (Priv. Exzellenzinitiative)Inhibition in the context of cortical columnar organization (with: Dietmar Schmitz)2016
- Mooney,David J.Einstein BIH Visiting Fellows (Priv. Exzellenzinitiative)Biomaterial based strategies to stimulate in situ tissue formation for bone and muscle regeneration (with: Georg N. Duda)2017
- Moser,Edvard IngjaldEinstein BIH Visiting Fellows (Priv. Exzellenzinitiative)Role of the parasubiculum in interregional theta-synchrony in spatial navigation (with: Dietmar Schmitz)2017
- Müller,MichaelBIH Clinical Fellows (Priv. Exzellenzinitiative)Optimierung und Verbesserung von Diagnose und Therapie von Patienten mit periprothetischen Infektionen durch ein interdiziplinäres und zentralisiertes Behandlungskonzept2018
- Müller,Dominik N.BIH Paper of the Month (Priv. Exzellenzinitiative)Salt-responsive gut commensal modulates TH17 axis and disease2018
- Na,Il-KangBIH Paper of the Month (Priv. Exzellenzinitiative)A Transgenic Dual-Luciferase Reporter Mouse for Longitudinal and Functional Monitoring of T Cells In Vivo (with: Martin Szyska)2018
- Na,Il-KangBIH Paper of the Month (Priv. Exzellenzinitiative)CD4+ T Cell Dependent B Cell Recovery and Function After Autologous Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation2022
- Na,Il-KangStructural fundingClinician Scientists: digital translation and internationalization (with: Igor Sauer; Robert Gütig)2024
- Neves,JasminDeutschlandstipendien (Priv. Exzellenzinitiative)2022
- Neymeyer,JörgClinical FellowsFellowship-Program „Gender Pelvic Medicine and Reconstructive Surgery“ - Interdisziplinäre fachübergreifende Ausbildung für Beckenbodenoperateur:innen2023
- Nicodemi,MarioEinstein BIH Visiting Fellows (Priv. Exzellenzinitiative)Assessing the disease potential of structural variants by their impact on chromosome architecture (with: Ana Pombo)2019
- Nicola,JannaDeutschlandstipendien (Priv. Exzellenzinitiative)2022
- Nolte,EmilDeutschlandstipendien (Priv. Exzellenzinitiative)2022
- Onken,Julia SophieEtablierung der MRT gestützten Laserablation (MRgLITT) in der Epilepsiechirurgie und Aufbau eines Epilepsiechirurgieregisters2022
- Ostendorf,BenjaminBIH Paper of the Month (Priv. Exzellenzinitiative)Harmonization and standardization of data for a pan-European cohort on SARS- CoV-2 pandemic2022
- Ottersen,Ole PetterBuilding capacity for vaccine and medicine production in sub-Saharan Africa: opportunities for contributions by academic institutions to build a system-based approach based on equal partnerships (with: Beate Kampmann)2023
- Pastwa,Karolina AnnaDeutschlandstipendien (Priv. Exzellenzinitiative)2022
- Paul,FriedemannNetworking EventsCharité & CLALIT 2nd Scientific Exchange Meeting (with: Leif Erik Sander)2023
- Penack,OlafBIH Clinical Fellows (Priv. Exzellenzinitiative)Interdisziplinäres Management und translationale Forschung bei chronischer Graft-versus-Host Erkrankung nach Stammzelltransplantation2019
- Pichon,ChantalBIH Visiting Professors (Priv. Exzellenzinitiative)Developing improved targeted cell and gene therapy by advanced ex vivo and in vivo RNA technologies - Blueprint Use Case: CAR-T for combating lung and bladder solid tumors (with: Hans-Dieter Volk)2022
- Polansky-Biskup,JuliaRecruiting Grants (Priv. Exzellenzinitiative)Professur für T-Zell-Epigenetik2019
- Polansky-Biskup,JuliaBIH Paper of the Month (Priv. Exzellenzinitiative)Strong Expansion of Human Regulatory T Cells for Adoptive Cell Therapy Results in Epigenetic Changes Which May Impact Their Survival and Function2022
- Pombo,AnaBIH Paper of the Month (Priv. Exzellenzinitiative)Complex multi-enhancer contacts captured by genome architecture mapping2017
- Poncette,Akira-SebastianBIH Paper of the Month (Priv. Exzellenzinitiative)Interdisciplinary Online Hackathons as an Approach to Combat the COVID-19 Pandemic: Case Study2021
- Poser,LuiseDeutschlandstipendien (Priv. Exzellenzinitiative)2022
- Potente,MichaelBIH Paper of the Month (Priv. Exzellenzinitiative)Control of endothelial quiescence by FOXO-regulated metabolites2022
- Pries,Axel RadlachNetworking Events (Priv. Exzellenzinitiative)Charité Symposium Breakthroughs in Life Sciences2021
- Pries,Axel RadlachNetworking Events (Priv. Exzellenzinitiative)ExzellenzCluster Abstimmungstreffen - Eine Veranstaltungsreihe zur strategischen Positionierung der Charite im Rahmen der Exzellenzstrategie des Bundes und der Länder2022
- Prüß,Magdalena SarahBIH Paper of the Month (Priv. Exzellenzinitiative)Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation in Inflammatory Bowel Disease Patients Modifies Resting-State Functional Connectivity: A Rct2019
- Pumberger,MatthiasBIH Clinical Fellows (Priv. Exzellenzinitiative)Implementierung von Qualitätsindikatoren zur Behandlungsoptimierung in der elektiven Wirbelsäulenchirurgie: Korrelation der individuellen Patientenerwartung und Patient-Reported-Outcome Measurements2020
- Radisic,MilicaVisiting FellowsIntegrated use microfabrication and resident macrophages for engineering vascular networks in cardiac and lung tissues (with: Holger Gerhardt)2024
- Radke,JosefineBIH Paper of the Month (Priv. Exzellenzinitiative)Phospho-AXL is widely expressed in glioblastoma and associated with significant shorter overall survival2017
- Rajewsky,NikolausNetworking EventsBerlin Cell Hospital Networking Events (with: Angelika Eggert)2023
- Ramachandran,VasanBIH Visiting Professors (Priv. Exzellenzinitiative)Developing a strategic concept to establish the Berlin Longterm Observation of Vascular Events (BeLOVE) cohort as a translational keystone for cardiovascular research at Charité and BIH (with: Burkert Pieske)2020
- Reinhart,KonradBIH Visiting Professors (Priv. Exzellenzinitiative)Konzeptentwicklung und Anbahnung eines Comprehensive Sepsis Centers an der Charité (with: Claudia Spies)2018
- Reinhart,KonradBIH Visiting Professors (Priv. Exzellenzinitiative)Konzeptskizze für den Aufbau eines Sepsis-Schwerpunkts mit einem WHO Sepsis Collaborating Centers an der Charité/BIH (with: Claudia Spies)2019
- Reinke,PetraBIH Paper of the Month (Priv. Exzellenzinitiative)Regulatory T cells for minimising immune suppression in kidney transplantation: phase I/IIa clinical trial2021
- Rietschel,ErnstBIH Paper of the Month (Priv. Exzellenzinitiative)Strukturförderung2014
- Ritschl,PaulBIH Charité Clinician Scientists (Priv. Exzellenzinitiative)Der Einfluss von spenderspezifischen Mikropartikeln nach solider Organtransplantation2019
- Ritter,PetraBIH Paper of the Month (Priv. Exzellenzinitiative)Brain simulation as a cloud service: The Virtual Brain on EBRAINS2022
- Rittscher,JensVisiting FellowsComputational Tissue Imaging for Cell-Based Medicine (with: Philipp Mergenthaler)2024
- Römer,MichaelBIH Clinical Fellows (Priv. Exzellenzinitiative)Katastrophenschutz: Logistische Vorbereitung auf den Massenanfall von Patienten in der Charite, Ausbildung von Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeitern, eigene Fort- und Weiterbildung, Sonderprojekt Infrastruktur2020
- Ruiz Diaz de Zarate,Alma LuisaDeutschlandstipendien (Priv. Exzellenzinitiative)2022
- Rupprecht,MirjamDeutschlandstipendien (Priv. Exzellenzinitiative)2022
- Salih,FaridBIH Clinical Fellows (Priv. Exzellenzinitiative)Charakterisierung von Frühindikatoren für schwere Komplikationen durch SARS-CoV-2 Vakzine und Translationen der Erkenntnisse in global nutzbare Aufklärungskampagnen2022
- Sander,MaikeEinstein BIH Visiting Fellows (Priv. Exzellenzinitiative)Niche signaling in diabetic beta cell failure: a paradigm for deciphering the role of cellular metabolism in immune - tissue cell communication (with: Hans-Dieter Volk)2018
- Sander,ChrisEinstein BIH Visiting Fellows (Priv. Exzellenzinitiative)Single Cell Perturbation Biology: Computational Methods to Target Heterogeneity of Cancer (with: David Horst)2019
- Sawitzki,BirgitBIH Paper of the Month (Priv. Exzellenzinitiative)Complement activation induces excessive T cell cytotoxicity in severe COVID-192022
- Sbierski-Kind,JuliaBIH Paper of the Month (Priv. Exzellenzinitiative)Distinct Housing Conditions Reveal a Major Impact of Adaptive Immunity on the Course of Obesity-Induced Type 2 Diabetes2018
- Schaupp,LauraBIH Paper of the Month (Priv. Exzellenzinitiative)Microbiota-Induced Type I Interferons Instruct a Poised Basal State of Dendritic Cells2020
- Scheel,MichaelClinical Scientist Pilotprogramm (Priv. Exzellenzinitiative)Simultanes fMRT und kortikales EEG – Elektrophysiologie des BOLD Effektes2013
- Scheibe,FranziskaClinical FellowsAufbau eines Zentrums für KI-gestützte Neuroprognostik an der Charité2023
- Schenkenberger,PhilipDeutschlandstipendien (Priv. Exzellenzinitiative)2022
- Schmidt,SvenjaDeutschlandstipendien (Priv. Exzellenzinitiative)2022
- Schmück-Henneresse,MichaelBIH Investment Fund (Priv. Exzellenzinitiative)The intratumoral CXCR3 chemokine system is predictive of chemotherapy response in human (mit: Tino Vollmer)2021
- Schmück-Henneresse,MichaelBIH Paper of the Month (Priv. Exzellenzinitiative)CRISPR-Cas9-Edited Tacrolimus-Resistant Antiviral T Cells for Advanced Adoptive Immunotherapy in Transplant Recipients2021
- Schnalke,ThomasTheatre of Memory (with: Petra Ritter)2022
- Scholl,UteBIH Paper of the Month (Priv. Exzellenzinitiative)CLCN2 chloride channel mutations in familial hyperaldosteronism type II2018
- Schoofs,NikolaBIH Clinical Fellows (Priv. Exzellenzinitiative)Psychotherapie individualisieren, prädizieren und konsolidieren2022
- Schöwel,VerenaBIH Paper of the Month (Priv. Exzellenzinitiative)Exon Skipping in a Dysf-Missense Mutant Mouse Model2019
- Schreiter,StefanieBIH Charité Clinician Scientists (Priv. Exzellenzinitiative)Genetik und Epigenetik der Clozapin Pharmakotherapie2017
- Schröter,GeorgDeutschlandstipendien (Priv. Exzellenzinitiative)2022
- Schumann,MichaelBIH Clinical Fellows (Priv. Exzellenzinitiative)Diagnostik komplexer Enteropathien an der Charité2022
- Seeliger,HendrikBIH Clinical Fellows (Priv. Exzellenzinitiative)Laparoskopische und roboter-assistierte Chirurgie von Karzinomen des oberen Gastrointenstinaltrakts2016
- Seelow,DominikBIH Paper of the Month (Priv. Exzellenzinitiative)AutozygosityMapper: Identification of disease-mutations in consanguineous families2022
- Sehara,KeisukeNeuromodulation of dendritic excitability and its role in sensory information processing (with: Matthew Larkum)2014
- Senger,CarolinClinical FellowsImplementierung einer „Same-Day"-Hochpräzisionsbestrahlung für Patient:innen mit Hirnmetastasen in der Charité Radioonkologie2023
- Sennlaub,FlorianEinstein BIH Visiting Fellows (Priv. Exzellenzinitiative)Signaling at the blood/retina barrier in the recruitment of macrophages and accumulation in retinal disease (with: Olaf Strauß)2014
- Shapira,SagiBIH Visiting Professors (Priv. Exzellenzinitiative)Implementation of integrative experimental and computational methods to discover key determinants of health, immunity and infec-tious disease states (with: Andreas Diefenbach)2022
- Siegert,EliseBIH Charité Clinician Scientists (Priv. Exzellenzinitiative)Prävalenz der Small Fiber Neuropathie bei Systemischer Sklerose2019
- Siegmund,BrittaBIH Investment Fund (Priv. Exzellenzinitiative)Immunhistochemisches und immunfluoreszenzoptisches Multiplexing für die in situ-Charakterisierung funktioneller Zellpopulationen2015
- Sieweke,MichaelEinstein BIH Visiting Fellows (Priv. Exzellenzinitiative)Control of macrophage numbers by endogenous self renewal mechanisms (with: Klaus Rajewsky; Walter Rosenthal)2014
- Sieweke,MichaelEinstein BIH Visiting Fellows (Priv. Exzellenzinitiative)Engineered macrophages for cellular therapy (with: Klaus Rajewsky)2017
- Sigal,MichaelBIH Paper of the Month (Priv. Exzellenzinitiative)R-spondin-3 induces secretory, antimicrobial Lgr5+ cells in the stomach2019
- Sporbert,AnjeBIH Investment Fund (Priv. Exzellenzinitiative)Etablierung von korrelativen Lichtmikroskopiemethoden zur Unterstützung von translationalen Imagingprojekten2015
- Stegemann,Miriam SongaBIH Clinical Fellows (Priv. Exzellenzinitiative)Integration des Antibiotic Stewardship (ABS)-Programms der Charité in Global Health mit Fokus auf die Eindämmung der Antibiotika-Resistenzentwicklung sowohl an der Charité als auch in Low and Middle Income Countries2020
- Steinecke,KarinClinical FellowsVerstetigung eines internationalen Klinik-Netzwerks zur Etablierung eines strukturierten, Telemedizin-assistierten Ausbildungscurriculums für Intensivmedizin (TEMPERA)2023
- Strech,DanielBIH Paper of the Month (Priv. Exzellenzinitiative)Publication rates in animal research. Extent and characteristics of published and non-published animal studies followed up at two German university medical centres2020
- Strech,DanielBIH Paper of the Month (Priv. Exzellenzinitiative)Challenges and proposed solutions in making clinical research on COVID-19 ethical: a status quo analysis across German research ethics committees2022
- Strücker,BenjaminBIH Charité Clinician Scientists (Priv. Exzellenzinitiative)Decellularization and recellularization of parenchymal organs (Priv. Exzellenzinitiative)2014
- Strücker,BenjaminBIH Paper of the Month (Priv. Exzellenzinitiative)Engineering an endocrine Neo-Pancreas by repopulation of a decellularized rat pancreas with islets of Langerhans2017
- Synowitz,MichaelBIH Clinical Fellows (Priv. Exzellenzinitiative)Pharmakologie von Vanilloiden als Therapeutika bei Glioblastomen im Rahmen der körpereigenen Tumorabwehr2014
- Thiel,AndreasBIH Paper of the Month (Priv. Exzellenzinitiative)SARS-CoV-2-Reactive T Cells in Healthy Donors and Patients With COVID-192021
- Thun,SylviaBIH Paper of the Month (Priv. Exzellenzinitiative)Harmonization and standardization of data for a pan-European cohort on SARS- CoV-2 pandemic2022
- Tietze,AnnaClinical FellowsVerbessertes Outcome von Kindern mit Epilepsie: Optimierte Identifizierung epileptogener Hirnläsionen durch den Einsatz multiparametrischer Bildanalyse und Methoden der künstlichen Intelligenz2024
- Uckert,WolfgangBIH Paper of the Month (Priv. Exzellenzinitiative)Unbiased identification of T cell receptors targeting immunodominant peptide-MHC complexes for T cell receptor immunotherapy2017
- Vallier,LudovicBIH Paper of the Month (Priv. Exzellenzinitiative)Harmonization and standardization of data for a pan-European cohort on SARS- CoV-2 pandemic2022
- Van Endert,PeterBIH Visiting Professors (Priv. Exzellenzinitiative)Optimising MHC Class I (Cross-) Presentation to promote tumor rejection by CD8+ T Cells (with: Peter Kloetzel)2017
- van Santen,AnnaNetworking EventsIntStrat20302024
- Viperino,AlessandraDeutschlandstipendien (Priv. Exzellenzinitiative)2022
- von Dincklage ,FalkClinical Scientist Pilotprogramm (Priv. Exzellenzinitiative)Untersuchung von nozizeptiven und antinozizeptiven Mechanismen unter Narkose mittels fMRT, EEG und Schmerzreflexen2013
- von Dincklage,FalkBIH Clinical Fellows (Priv. Exzellenzinitiative)Entwicklung eines Softwaresystems zur automatisierten Prüfung der Leitlinienadhärenz intensivmedizinischer Behandlung2020
- Voßbeck,LuisaDeutschlandstipendien (Priv. Exzellenzinitiative)2022
- Wagner,Dimitrios L.BIH Paper of the Month (Priv. Exzellenzinitiative)High prevalence of Streptococcus pyogenes Cas9-reactive T cells within the adult human population2019
- Wagner,Philipp MoritzBIH Clinical Fellows (Priv. Exzellenzinitiative)Erstellung einer radiologisch-pathologischen Referenzdatenbank abdomineller Tumore an der Charité2019
- Weber-Carstens,SteffenBIH Paper of the Month (Priv. Exzellenzinitiative)Muscle Wasting and Function after Muscle Activation and Early Protocol-Based Physiotherapy: An Explorative Trial2019
- Wehle,LuiseDeutschlandstipendien (Priv. Exzellenzinitiative)2022
- Weilnhammer,VeithBIH Charité Clinician Scientists (Priv. Exzellenzinitiative)Einfluss von Erwartungen auf perzeptuelle Entscheidungen bei virtuellen und strukturellen Läsionen des frontalen Cortex2019
- Weissgerber,TraceyBIH Paper of the Month (Priv. Exzellenzinitiative)Harmonization and standardization of data for a pan-European cohort on SARS- CoV-2 pandemic2022
- Wernig,MariusBIH Visiting Professors (Priv. Exzellenzinitiative)Investigating the function of the microglial receptor TREM2, required to prevent neurodegeneration, in human cell models in vitro and in vivo (with: Frank Heppner)2022
- Wieblitz,LeslieDeutschlandstipendien (Priv. Exzellenzinitiative)2022
- Wilck,NicolaBIH Charité Clinician Scientists (Priv. Exzellenzinitiative)Bakterielle Metabolite und deren potentiell protektive Rolle beim hypertensiven Endorganschaden2017
- Wilck,NicolaBIH Paper of the Month (Priv. Exzellenzinitiative)The Short-Chain Fatty Acid Propionate Protects from Hypertensive Cardiovascular Damage2019
- Wittenbecher,FriedrichBIH Charité Clinician Scientists (Priv. Exzellenzinitiative)Mobilisierung immunologischer Gedächtniszellen des Spenders und ihr Schicksal nach allogener Stammzelltransplantation2017
- Wolf,StefanClinical FellowsAuswertung von multimodalen Neuromonitoring-Daten2023
- Yordanova,KlaudiaDeutschlandstipendien (Priv. Exzellenzinitiative)2022
- Zdunczyk,AnnaClinical FellowsRestaurative Neurochirurgie2023
- Zechner,RudolfEinstein BIH Visiting Fellows (Priv. Exzellenzinitiative)Adipose triglyceride lipase in chronic heart failure (Atgl-CHF) (with: Ulrich Kintscher)2018
- Zergane,MeryamDeutschlandstipendien (Priv. Exzellenzinitiative)2022
- Zhang,YongzheDeutschlandstipendien (Priv. Exzellenzinitiative)2022
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