Innovation Funding

Stiftung Charité funds innovation to support entrepreneurial thinking and technology transfer. The funding programs are designed to stimulate ideas for change within Charité and its surrounding environment (intrapreneurship), as well as to support concrete technology transfer initiatives (entrepreneurship). They are open to all subject areas and recipient groups.

Funding innovation has been one of the key activities of Stiftung Charité since its inception. The programs have been continually adapted and developed over the years. Stiftung Charité currently has the following innovation funding programs:

Funding Programs

Max Rubner Award

Project and event funding

Inventors for Health

Funding recipients

Funding program
Project title
First year of funding
  • Beuer,Florian
    Max Rubner Award
    Entwicklung interaktiver Patientenfälle für das Studium der Zahnmedizin basierend auf 3D Modellen und Chatbots (with: Jeremias Hey; Alexey Unkovskiy; Manja von Stein-Lausnitz)
  • Erb-Eigner,Katharina
    Inventors for Health, Pilot (Priv. Exzellenzinitiative)
    RadioEye - Ein einzigartiges Diagnostic Decision Support Tool für Radiologen
  • Haslinger,Bernhard
    Max Rubner Award
    Gründung eines Berliner Netzwerks für Psychose-Psychotherapie
  • Hoffmann,Tara Maria
    Project funding
    AG Studierende werden Paten
  • Kintscher,Ulrich
    Eröffnungssymposium Max Rubner Center for Cardiovascular Metabolic Renal Research
  • Märdian,Sven
    Max Rubner Award
    Trauma Plattform Berlin (with: Tazio Maleitzke)
  • Olschewski,Jessica
    Inventors for Health, Pilot (Priv. Exzellenzinitiative)
    PREEDU (Pre-Education) - Patient-Empowerment durch automatisierte digitale Aufklärung der Patientinnen der Frauenheilkunde zum Ablauf einer Behandlung (with: Alexander Zuber)
  • Poncette,Akira-Sebastian
    Event funding
    Gestern, Heute, Morgen: Die Evolution des Patientenmonitorings
  • Röpke,Thorsten
    Max Rubner Award
    Ein großes Problem – eine kleine Lösung: verbesserte Patientenaufklärung für die Charité
  • Schmitt,Boris
    Inventors for Health, Pilot (Priv. Exzellenzinitiative)
    OGGLUEDER - Verschluß von Defekten bei angeborenen Herzerkrankungen mittels Klebung (with: Thore Dietrich; Jasper Emeis; Jens Ötvös)
  • Volkmann,Constantin
    Inventors for Health, Pilot (Priv. Exzellenzinitiative)
    Antidepressant medication companion

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