Max Rubner Award

The Max Rubner Award supports the implementation of innovative ideas at the Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin. The prize money shall act as an initial funding for intrapreneurs, i.e. individuals or teams addressing challenges within the Charité with an entrepreneurial approach by developing new services, products or initiatives.

Projects are eligible for funding that offer an innovative solution to a clearly defined problem or generate lasting value added for society as a whole with a novel additional service.

Max Rubner (1854-1932), as a dietetics researcher and industrial medicine physician himself and a trailblazer in science, was the grandfather of Ms Johanna Quandt, who founded Stiftung Charité. In line with the eponym, the award-winners should also be trailblazers in their working environment. Not only are their projects distinguished by the award, but they are subsequently funded by the foundation, and, ultimately, evaluated. 

A total of 100,000 EUR is provided for this purpose each year that is distributed among the winning projects. Members of our jury are Dr. Jörg Appelhans, Dr. Markus Müschenich, Prof. Dr. Brigitte Oetker, Prof. Thoralf Niendorf and Dr. Magnus Rüde.


Guidelines and application are available in German only.

The winning teams of recent years

2024: "Kommunikationsroboter in der Notaufnahme – Self-Check-In und Kommunikationsunterstützung im Wartebereich der Zentralen Notaufnahme", Prof. Dr. Martin Möckel, Dr. Maria Altendorf, Carolin Hupka und Anja Kummer; "Patient-Empowerment durch immersive Krankenhauserfahrungen vor Operationen oder Prozeduren – PERISKOP", Dr. Zeynep Akbal, Karl Eisenträger, Dr. Max Maurer, Prof. Dr. Moritz Queisner, Christopher Remde, Christoph Rüger, Prof. Dr. Igor M. Sauer und Dr. Axel Winter.

2023: "Charité – Qualitätskompass zur Evaluation translationsfördernder Forschungspraxis", Dr. Christiane Wetzel and Ina Frenzel; "Integration der Patientenperspektive in die Routineversorgung: Modellprojekt anhand von Vorhofflimmern", Prof. Dr. Leif-Hendrik Boldt, Prof. Dr. Matthias Rose, Dr. Christoph Paul Klapproth and Dr. Djawid Hashemi.

2022: "Nursing based on Science – Science based on Nursing, Eine Plattform für den Wissensaustausch in der Pflege", Prof. Dr. Jan Kottner and PD Dr. Antje Tannen; "Trauma Plattform Berlin", Dr. Tazio Maleitzke and PD Dr. Sven Märdian. 

2021: "Die Charité Patient Experience", Franziska Kindt; "Entwicklung interaktiver Patientenfälle für das Studium der Zahnmedizin basierend auf 3D Modellen und Chatbots", Prof. Dr. Florian Beuer, Prof. Dr. Jeremias Hey, Dr. Alexey Unkovskiy and PD Dr. Manja von Stein-Lausnitz.


Marvin Stolz
Head of Innovation

Stiftung Charité
Novalisstraße 10
10115 Berlin

Phone:   +49 (0)30 450 570 - 576
E-mail:   stolz(at)  